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photography by Rachel Thurston

Paul Jepsen (that's YUP-sen in Danish) as interviewed by Brittany

1. Paul, why don't you describe yourself in one word. Kapow!
2. What percentage do you think you'll cook? What percentage do you think I'll cook? 70% Paul 30% Brittany
3. Is my worst nightmare cooking or cleaning? Your worst nightmare is having bad taste but second to that is cookery.
4. If you had to choose between owning a poodle or a lab, what would you get? I refuse to recognize the existence of poodles.
5. What's your favorite accent to use? English and around Brittany, Français.
6. Where wouldn't you be caught dead? In a Lady Gaga fan club meeting.
7. What part of housework are you looking forward to the most? Cleaning up after my beautiful wife. You are looking forward to the decorating.
8. "Would you rather be divinely beautiful, dazzling clever, or angelically good"? “Well, it really isn’t worth telling, Ms Watson… but if you let me tell you what I IMAGINE about myself you’d find it a lot more interesting.

Brittany Watson as interviewed by Paul
1. Describe yourself in one word. blessed.

2. What percentage do you think you'll cook? What percentage do you think I'll cook? I'm going to have to agree. 70% you, but change it up a bit. 15% me. 15% some magical godfairy somewhere. In my dreams though, 50/50.
3. Is Paul's worse nightmare dancing or singing? Dancing AND singing. With a poodle.
4. If you had to convince Paul to buy a Poodle what would you do? Threaten him to buy me a poodle or else dance at our wedding.
5. What is the strangest thing I did on a date with you? Straws in your ears. First date. Yeah, I didn't think there was a chance.
6. Where wouldn't you be caught dead? On a sofa watching a cooking show.
7. In what ways are we most different/alike? You cook, I clean the dishes. We both create: you, stories and me, things.
8. Who's your favorite Jepsen besides Paul? The little Jepsens to come...
9. "Would you rather be divinely beautiful, dazzling clever, or angelically good"? Can't top your response. 

Feel free to drop us a note or visit our blogs
Brittany: brittanywatson@gmail.com and her design blog The House That Lars Built
Paul: paul.a.jepsen@gmail.com and his blog P after B